Thoughts on the new Joker film
Thoughts On the New Joker film

While not yet having been released at this point, Todd Philip's Joker movie looks extremely promising. Being released in October this daring new Joker film has already essentially received universal praise from critics, now currently sitting as the highest rated comic film of all time on IMDb and also receiving the Venice Film festivals top prize, the 'Golden Lion'.
However i don't want to go to in depth into the Joker trailers themselves as that can often spoil the story-line for a viewer. The story appears to focus on Arthur Fleck, a failed comedian who finds his life increasingly worsening, even to a point where he is ridiculed by a fellow comedian on tv while sitting next to a seriously ill close relative in a hospital.
Unable to get a solid grip on life and finding his personal therapist no help Arthur begins to become increasingly unstable as he starts to take on the psychotic personality of the joker. The film looks incredibly powerful and groundbreaking as no comic book movie has come even close to making such a psychological film. Another confusing and unconventional aspect of the film is the fact that an audience may partially sympathize or even agree with the jokers motivations. In this film Arthur Fleck is repeatedly kicked around and abused by American society, which may lead us to actually agree with the joker as he begins to take part in citywide riots alongside fellow oppressed people and even criminals.
The Joker is a fascinating character, and a clear reminder of how easy it is to push a human over the edge into insanity.The Joker represents a clear part of all humans, the fact that with enough suffering we too can become a Joker, damaged goods.Unstable and chaotic

While not yet having been released at this point, Todd Philip's Joker movie looks extremely promising. Being released in October this daring new Joker film has already essentially received universal praise from critics, now currently sitting as the highest rated comic film of all time on IMDb and also receiving the Venice Film festivals top prize, the 'Golden Lion'.
However i don't want to go to in depth into the Joker trailers themselves as that can often spoil the story-line for a viewer. The story appears to focus on Arthur Fleck, a failed comedian who finds his life increasingly worsening, even to a point where he is ridiculed by a fellow comedian on tv while sitting next to a seriously ill close relative in a hospital.
Unable to get a solid grip on life and finding his personal therapist no help Arthur begins to become increasingly unstable as he starts to take on the psychotic personality of the joker. The film looks incredibly powerful and groundbreaking as no comic book movie has come even close to making such a psychological film. Another confusing and unconventional aspect of the film is the fact that an audience may partially sympathize or even agree with the jokers motivations. In this film Arthur Fleck is repeatedly kicked around and abused by American society, which may lead us to actually agree with the joker as he begins to take part in citywide riots alongside fellow oppressed people and even criminals.
The Joker is a fascinating character, and a clear reminder of how easy it is to push a human over the edge into insanity.The Joker represents a clear part of all humans, the fact that with enough suffering we too can become a Joker, damaged goods.Unstable and chaotic
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